This is the complete list of members for CMT940SRecordset, including all inherited members.
_NewEnum(IUnknown **ppUNK) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
AddRef() (defined in SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset > | |
CMT940SRecordset(IDispatch *pParent) | CMT940SRecordset | |
Create(REFCLSID rclid, void **pvvObject) (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | static |
Currency(VARIANT *pCurrency) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
CurrencyClient(BSTR *pCurrencyClient) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
CurrentBalance(VARIANT *pCurrentBalance) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
CurrentBalanceDate(DATE *pCurrentBalanceDate) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
Description(VARIANT vKey, BSTR *pValue) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
FEOF(VARIANT_BOOL *pEOF) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
ForeignIBAN(CIBAN **ppIBAN) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, OLECHAR FAR *FAR *rgszNames, unsigned int cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID FAR *rgDispId) (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | |
GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID *rgDispId) PURE (defined in IMT940SRecordset) | IMT940SRecordset | |
GetTypeInfo(unsigned int iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo FAR *FAR *ppTInfo) (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | |
GetTypeInfo(UINT iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) PURE (defined in IMT940SRecordset) | IMT940SRecordset | |
GetTypeInfoCount(unsigned int FAR *pctInfo) (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | |
GetTypeInfoCount(UINT *pctinfo) PURE (defined in IMT940SRecordset) | IMT940SRecordset | |
IBANClient(CIBAN **ppIBANClient) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
Invoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS FAR *pDispParams, VARIANT FAR *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO FAR *pExcepInfo, unsigned int FAR *puArgErr) (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | |
m_pTypeInfo (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | protected |
m_pTypeLib (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | protected |
m_uRefCount (defined in SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset > | protected |
MoveFirst() (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
MoveNext() (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
operator=(Separatista::MT940SRecordset *pMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
PreviousBalance(VARIANT *pPreviousBalance) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
PreviousBalanceDate(DATE *pPreviousBalanceDate) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **pvvObject) (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | |
RDCCode(BSTR *pRDCCode) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
Release() (defined in SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset > | |
SepaControlDispatch() (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | |
SepaControlUnknown() | SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset > | |
SerialNumber(BSTR *pSerialNumber) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
SetErrorInfo(const Separatista::Exception &e) const | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | protected |
SetErrorInfo(const wchar_t *pMessage) const | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | protected |
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() PURE (defined in IMT940SRecordset) | IMT940SRecordset | |
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() PURE (defined in IMT940SRecordset) | IMT940SRecordset | |
TransactionCode(BSTR *pTransactionCode) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
TransactionDate(DATE *pTransactionDate) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
TransactionRef(BSTR *pTransactionReference) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
TransactionReference(BSTR *pTransactionReference) (defined in CMT940SRecordset) | CMT940SRecordset | |
~SepaControlDispatch() (defined in SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset >) | SepaControlDispatch< IMT940SRecordset > | protectedvirtual |
~SepaControlUnknown() | SepaControlUnknown< IMT940SRecordset > | protectedvirtual |