Separatista::ISeparatistaDocument Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for Separatista::ISeparatistaDocument:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT __stdcall Save ([in, defaultvalue(NULL)] long hWnd, [out, retval] IOErrorCode *errorCode)
HRESULT __stdcall SaveAs ([in] BSTR Path, [out, retval] IOErrorCode *errorCode)
HRESULT __stdcall Open ([in, defaultvalue(NULL)] long hWnd, [out, retval] IOErrorCode *errorCode)
HRESULT __stdcall OpenFrom ([in] BSTR Path, [out, retval] IOErrorCode *errorCode)


BSTR NamespaceText [get]
DocumentNamespace Namespace [get, set]
VARIANT_BOOL EnableAutoMagic [get, set]
IElement RootElement [get]

Detailed Description

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: